Congratulations to Libby for being Room 2's Wai Learner of the term!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Flying House

One day when Mr John Ray was waiting for Roney, a thought came to his mind. If he was going to ask his Grandson to go to space with him, what would Roney say? Would he say yes or no? His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his grandson.
"Hi Grandpa," said Roney.
" Welcome Roney," replied Mr John Ray. "I have something to ask you."
"What, what, what?" said Roney jumping up and down like a madman.
"Would you come to space with me?"
"Oh," said Roney," I like cheese and the moon's made of it."
"Be quiet," said Mr John Ray.
"OK," said Roney.
"Good, " said Mr John Ray. "Now lets get equipment!"
The minute they were back, they got into space suits. Then they put the controls into action. Then the house filled with gas.
"Time for lift off Roney, "said Mr John Ray.
"Sssweet," said Roney.
Then Mr John Ray pulled a switch and then there was a loud bang as the rockets fired.
"Next stop, the moon," cried Mr John Ray.
"Alright, "shouted Roney punching the air like he'd just scored a goal in soccer.
Now the moon was in sight.
"Now that's a big block of cheese if you ask me," said Roney. "Hey Grandpa."
"Yes Roney, " said Mr John Ray with a smile on his face.
"How are we supposed to get down from here?"
"Good question Roney, I don't know. Wait... I don't know," he said panicing.
"Maybe pres that button," said Roney pushing it.
"Oh boy,"replied Mr John Ray.
"You pressed earth crash button."
"Ahh," yelled Mr John Ray as the house thundered to earth.
"Oh," said Roney in a zombie voice.
Then they put on the parachute and they floated safely to the ground.
The End


  1. James, what an exciting story. I love the way you have added detail after the speech!!

  2. i like your story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. What an amazing story James! Your punctuation, and language make it fantastic. I love the bit about panicking when Mr John Ray couldn't figure out how to get home!.
